With my camcorder mysteriously and suddenly not working any longer while simultaneously getting interference from local business persons and "social" activists and workers, my independent blogging and reporting is no longer tenable. I was working (for a very competitive price) for a local children's development group. This is the project that has just been nixed by the "powers that be". I have included here the "sample" video that I shot (in 20 minutes) and edited (in 45
"My camcorder died as I arrived in Milwaukee to cover the Occupy the bridge event. It appears to be junk. Do you know any one or any charitable organizations that helps impoverished citizen journalists like myself. I would not be asking for cash, but help getting a new or comparable camcorder and a laptop to replace the ones that just died and were broken. The timing is interesting, as we (some OWS folks from Green Bay) have been planning on going to DC Dec 5 - 9 for a big event there, and I have no way to cover it in video now. It would have been my biggest story to date. If interested, you can see examples of my work (all original content, including original music) below. You can see a promo at http://youtu.be/plFaQJQ_d44?hd=1 (this was shot with my Canon HF 10 Consumer Camcorder). My local news blog is http://greenbayconfidential.blogspot.com/. You can see a report I did recently on the Occupy movement in Green here at http://youtu.be/MeDeFhrVPf4?hd=1.
Any advice or assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated and noted in my upcoming work as well".
Thank You.
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