Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Phosari ... Message for Examiner.com viewers and subscribers.

I am making this announcement to let my readers and viewers know that I will n

ot be reporting or posting for examiner.com. 

The stories and videos I have done in the past will remain for viewing, but I am going to be focusing on my own blogs.

I will be working on getting more bands and venues covered for The Green Bay Music Scene , getting more serious, hard hitting stories for Wisconsin Confidential and Green Bay Confidential as well as some true PHOSARI style videos in which we going to show a crew record a how to video while they actually shoot a commercial spot.  These will in essence be a “third eye perspective”.

I also plan on shooting a few of the talented photographers I know while they are working for Marcel Kuemmet Photography so that folks can see some of the gear and methods these shooters use.  

So be sure to keep an eye on my sites, or subscribe to my Itunes Podcast to get the latest the fastest.

To download the Small Size Quicktime Video (SD, 6MB) click here.

To download the the Quicktime H.264 720p High Definition version of this video ( 108MB) click here.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

For Sale … 14K Princess Cut Diamond Ring w Jacket $6.999 OBO

Beautiful 14 K Gold Diamond Engagement Ring with Jacket with an additional 16 Diamonds. The official appraisal of $7.999 does not include the Jacket w the additional 16 diamonds. We are offering this for only $6,999. This is an incredible deal for a ring that will win her heart and start the rest of your life with the special one you love.

For Info, see the listing at http://greenbay.craigslist.org/jwl/1649704182.html.

To download the Standard Definition (7.4MB) version of the video below click here.

To download the High Definition (137MB) version of the video below click here.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Fog Still an Issue for Drivers … photos

With the lingering fog still causing headaches for NE Wisconsin Driver, it is amazing that _153For emailsome drivers will drive a Grey vehicle in thick fog without their lights on.  In the photo to the left, there is a Grey Pickup truck.  The photo is of the passenger side rear view mirror.   Can you find it?  In the photo below, one can see where the truck is by following the arrow.

REarView MIrrow with CAption

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Green Bay Hampered by Thick Fog

_139For email Green Bay was blanketed by thick Fog causing school delays and creating a dangerous driving environment.  According to the NWS and the THE EMERGENCY EMAIL & WIRELESS NETWORK the fog will linger throughout the morning.

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Get Involved …. Support Google’s Fiber Optic Network for Green Bay, WI

Internet Giant Google recently announced planning to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial

locations across the United States.  According to the announcement page, they plan to deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We plan to offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people. 

According to their page, “Like our WiFi network in Mountain View, the purpose of this project is to experiment and learn. Network providers are making real progress to expand and improve high-speed Internet access, but there's still more to be done. We don't think we have all the answers – but through our trial, we hope to make a meaningful contribution to the shared goal of delivering faster and better Internet for everyone”.

As we are internet based, and greatly depend on fast internet speeds to deliver our High Definition video content, we will be watching this story very closely and have more detailed reports in the future.

You can help by completing  a request for information (RFI).  This can be found at  …


“If you'd like a Google fiber optic trial in your community, complete this section of the request for information”.

Nominate your community

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Examiner.com Report Thunderbird Email and The status of Green Bay Internet.

Exam top Here I take a look at the free Thunderbird email program from Mozilla.   Recently I have had some of my friends inquire on how I am able to send a photo to them tbirdwithin seconds of receiving the request.

In the video below, I show a simple way of sending photos over the internet using the Thunderbird email program.  It is as simple a drag and drop.

One may notice that my email has a custom skin …I.E. Pitch Dark.  I enjoy the dark look and it is supposed to save on electricity too.

I also speak of the next tech report …  an update on the status of the internet infrastructure here in  Green Bay and the Greater Brown County area.

A few years ago, I interviewed Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt.  He expressed a desire to see a Fiber Optic network built for the greater Green Bay Downtown area.  I was surprised to so much resistance to such a great idea.  vlcsnap-163888The communities that did install such high speed networks have vlcsnap-163326experienced a significant increase in business’s, particularly high tech business’s, move in  to take advantage of the network.  The jobs that these business’s bring to the community are not low wage retail, but medium to high skill level technology based, skilled labor positions.  A definite plus to any community struggling with the ever changing economy.

Look forward to a full report on this in the near future  … and be sure to watch the video below.

You can download a 720pHD version (Quicktime) of the video if you click here. 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Floating Cars?

Here is one …DSCN2999