Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The “Occupy Wall Street” Movement Reaches Wisconsin and Green Bay.

Monitary policy top

As the Occupy Wall Street movement spreads with the help of social media and finally gets attention from the American Media, the Joecheslcompressedmovement has arrived here in Wisconsin.  With movements starting in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay and a few smaller cities throughout Wisconsin, the movement is slowly beginning to take root throughout the United States.

At a recent public forum on Monetary Policy, one of the main issues is the control of money by the federal reserve, a private entity. Joseph Cheslock is a local educator who has been stressing the issue and trying to bring it’s importance to the attention of the people.

In this video below I start our talking about my Raspberry bush, but soon switch to discussing the forum and show some footage and views expressed by those who attended the forum. 

As one studies this issue, and the Occupy Wall Street movement, like myself,  I believe that many people will see that the movement is closely connected to Monetary Policy

There is a protest being organized by Occupy Green Bay for October 14 if there is enough interest.

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