Friday, October 7, 2011

Occupy Green Bay, inspired by Occupy Wall Street, Begins.

Flag for top Occupy GB post 

A Second American Revolution?

As the American people’s discontent gradually grows with the economy, while simultaneously a small elite grows wealthy by biblical proportions, a movement has been borne. With support growing among a large variety of groups and organizations increasing as quickly as the numbers of protesters present throughout the  country, the Occupy Wall Street movement is still growing in numbers and strength.

With the recent protests against the Walker Administration and their policies and methods in Madison and throughout Wisconsin fresh in memory, established continuous protests are being established in Milwaukee and of course Madison. Here in Green Bay, the movement slowly, but steadily grows. With a friend count on their Facebook page steadily increasing, Occupy Green Bay does not seam to have a specific organizer or leader. I have however had individuals familiar with Wall street, financial and monetary policies express an interest to speak at any rally or events. Primarily to express their ideas on specifics and propose positions as well as possible solutions Occupy Green Bay plans to begin organized protests on Friday, October 14 and 15. As of now no specific location has been selected.

A movement without a cause 

One must be forced to ask, just what are you protesting and what changes are you demanding? One may assume from it’s originating location the protest is strictly financial. A matter of the disproportional distribution of wealth that is present in this country. But is that really the source issue? Just what exactly is the root cause of that disproportional distribution of wealth? As one watches the protests, their message to seem very general. Reminiscent of the protests of the 60s and their counter culture message, but DSCN9346 emailin a more modern, high tech, up to date present culture. A message the money men were obviously out of range to receive. A message that seems to say that “present” American culture is counter culture. A message that seems to say ”Hey, I’m not rich, so I’m not “it”, I am just the other 99 percent”. 

Social Media as a weapon of empowerment of the people?

Throughout the world, especially in the Middle East, social media has recently been used as a tool of empowerment by the people in those locations and countries. Effecting great change, and empowering themselves with a form of democracy that serves them … at least for now. While this was happening, many of the powers that be in the west, especially the United States, expressed praise for the democratic movements, and their causes. They also quietly waited to see what kind of economic benefits they would acquire. Now these same local powers may be taking a second look at social media. As is already the case in New York, some of the methods applied by our  “security” and “Police” may seem more draconian than what we Americans witnessed with the Egyptian movement, where the military basically joined with the movement and forced rapid change (although to what extent the Egyptian movement will achieve full DSCN9343Drain JOb  emaildemocracy remains to be seen). It also remains unclear to what extent Americans will go to protect their rights to express their views compared to some of the other cases of social media driven movements of recent.

Another notable change to the movement of recent is the increased coverage it is receiving in the National Media,  At first just a mention on the back page, the movement now commands the attention of the world media.  As the movement grows, it is also receiving attention of the local media outlets as well.  This blog will definitely be closely following the progress of the movements, especially locally. 

An Electronic Ghost Army

The group Anonymous has been in the background from the start of the movement. Some may say there were the original callers to march. They will surely be a sort of electronic sentry protecting the movement from being hacked themselves by their enemies. But the movement has definitely become more and is continuing to evolve, in New York, the US, and here in Wisconsin and Green Bay. As the numbers grow, organized with simple online tools and an growing army of support, they as Anonymous likes to say may just become Legion.

Time will tell. Maybe less than one may think.

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