Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Alternative Power That is Not New, and The American Car That will Save the World.

Appleton Hydro Plant

As I have begun anew in a new location, at least for a time being,Modern or Quaint power in Appleton WI I see new things and get new ideas.  One thing that struck me here in Appleton. WI is their Vulcan Street Plant, the world's first Edison hydroelectric central station.  Since such things seem so novel and quaint these days, it makes me wonder why more applications of  hydroelectric power cannot be used to save the planet from global warming and certain doom for us, the human race. 


The only reason I can see for using more environmentally safe and sound power sources is profit.  As profit is the driving American force in all that we do, it will also be our undoing, and the cause of our eventual extinction.    This year the Tesla Model S sedan has been named Motor Trend's Car of the Year.  Many of the comments from obviously prejudiced and ancient thinking conservatives who think they are good Americans show how disjointed many of our elders and older leaders are.  Calling the obviously very cool vehicle un-American, they fail to see the value in an American made product, and the ramifications of an American product that has the potential to save the planet.  But there is profit to be made here.  A profit that we all can enjoy.

The Coolness Factor

I am sorry to the overweight fellows who drive around in their Cadillac's (My Dad had one), but you all don’t get it and most likely never will.  You soon be in the ground, so let the new younger generations have the ability to save a planet that our children can safely live in.  Ideas as old as hydroelectric power, combined with the newest cutting edge technology on wheels is what will save not only the United States, the save the world too … and it will come from America.

And hey, the car is just VERY COOL!. 

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