Thousands of citizens from throughout Wisconsin gathered today at the Capitol in Madison in an expression of solidarity and continued support for the recall of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and several other elected republican representatives. Still reeling from the
defeat of the mining bill in which corporate financed republicans tried to force a bill removing wetlands protections and allowing the polluting of Wisconsin ground water and waterways, not many GOP members were to be seen in the area to face the throngs of disgruntled voters. Capitol Police estimated the crowd at 25,000.
On this beautiful, though windy Saturday afternoon, all roads leading to the capitol were packed to the limit with people of all colors and from all walks of life gathered together in opposition to the typical corporate sponsored, pro big money and almost exclusively White (and mostly male) republicans who have engaged on an extreme agenda that serves the interests of the richest in the country and a well connected corporate base. As has been the case with many of these events and rallies, the crowd reflected the wide spectrum of people who will not accept having their future sold out so that the rich can get even richer.
One thing that the GOP has excelled in is the ability to cloth the wolf in a sheep’s costume. There are several examples of this. From the attempt to privatize prisons and correctional facilities (a disaster in a multitude of ways) to bills now pending that would replace the now educator based board of directors of the publically funded Milwaukee based technical collage MATC with an almost exclusive business person, profit driven board to a bill pending that would basically classify single parenthood as a cause of child abuse. These bills all have hidden, profit from the tax payer ulterior motives (a theme of the GOP since the huge paydays and cash handouts for their big money supporters from the “War on Terror” and the massive budget from the effort to remove the “Weapons
of Mass Destruction” from Iraq that the CIA and UN inspectors said didn’t exist). These ulterior motives usually suddenly appear in the form of a corporation that is willing to come to the “rescue” of the bad situation created by these laws, at a huge profit of course.
Most often these corporations and/or wealthy individuals hanging in the wings are of course well prepared (just by coincidence) for getting their operations up and running, often within days, and quickly getting that tax payer money rolling in. Once the accounts are established and the profits are available, one will notice that it is a much different story to hold them accountable for the work or services they have (or in many cases, have not really) provided. They will not be available for public contact or oversight (that is if they even live in Wisconsin, or even the United States) when it is discovered that they are not being entirely above board and strait with their “Marketing” claims. It will often require armed Law Enforcement to even get an interview. A luxury that the rest of us do not enjoy in our justice system.
Much of this has taken root since the questionable presidential election of 2000, in which a conservative Supreme Court chose the President of the United States, and the security and economic disaster that followed and that has befallen upon most Americans since that time. For those who support the GOP though, it has been boon times, with corporate profits and the incomes of the richest top Americans increasing at a rate never before seen in American history. For them, the Gilded Age has returned in a big way. At least for the time being.
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