Mark Rahmlow, a field representative for U.S. Congressman Reid Ribble, and staff assistant Carl Soderberg sat quietly taking notes as they listened to the concerns of citizens over a recent budget proposal that would
greatly effect programs from Food Stamps to Medicare. The proposal, by U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan, would also provide tax cuts to overseas corporate profits and would give the Richest Americans another tax cut of up to $150,000 a year. The budget proposal was cosponsored by Congressman Reid Ribble.
Many expressed dismay that while the income disparity gap has increased those getting the largest increase in wealth are also getting the largest tax cuts … again. Tax cuts that will be paid for with cuts in services for and benefits of the lowest recipients of American wealth. With the richest Americans getting and increase of over 11% while the lower and medium received and increase of just under .05%, one must wonder where the tax cut sustainability threshold for the 99% is? As far as paying it would be lower-income Americans who receive assistance that would cover this tax payday, a new CBPP report finds.
There were a few emotional stories told as well that I will not cover here due to their personal nature. Those stories did display the effects of policies and decisions made by out leaders on the lives, and in some cases the deaths, of their American constituents. Now many of those same individuals who now may not only desire but require health care will have fewer options and less to work with. That while the future of Medicare and Social Security may lie in it’s private corporate beneficiaries who now with to take it over, obviously to maximize profits. I hope they are feeling like good Americans today and be generous with us peasants (corporations insure their employees lives under a “peasant” clause and collect millions when their employees die, the families receive nothing), I have a feeling they won’t be soon.
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