Monday, February 6, 2012

Iran, War, and Green Bay’s Freedom Coalition.

USS Enterprise (CVN 65) cruises underway in the Atlantic

Iran has been a major player in American politics and foreign policy for decades.  Even longer if one includes the history of the area and the influence that colonial western countries have had over time. 

Democracy was even overthrown there once by the American CIA in order to install the “Shaw of Iran”, to replace the elected president that wouldn’t play ball with US Oil interests and those who stand most to profit from Iranian Oil resources with one that would.  This kind of Keystone Cops Foreign policy lead to the dangerous situation we now have today.

Regardless of ones position on Iran and their nuclear program, a shooting war with the Near Asian country could have strong consequences not only in the region, but throughout the world and even here on American soil.

Iran is a country with an advanced and experienced Special Forces that is capable of striking worldwide not only with direct action but through proxy as well. 

Developments and moves on both sides tend one to think that a conflict could be imminent.  Hostilities may even start without the direct involvement of US Armed Forces.

The fact that the country was once headed towards normalized relations with the US, and have not only conducted a huge vigil for 911 victims shortly after that day, to assisting US Forces with limited intelligence.  That is until the day an uninformed US President linked Iran to some sort of “Axis of Evil” that lurked out in the shadows. 

Things changed.  Rapidly the reaction of the Iranian people would be that as expected.  Eventually the moderate Iranian President was replaced.  By a former member of Iranian Special Forces.

They also re-doubled their efforts to develop nuclear power. 

This brings us to the point where we are now facing military conflict with an enemy that is a master at asymmetric Warfare.  An enemy that we will quickly find will then actually be lurking in the shadows.

Here, in this photo slide a group of NE Wisconsin citizens demonstrate to show their unhappiness with the current state of affairs, and where they are heading.


Anonymous said...

WisCon: The problem here is two-fold. First, Iran is ruled with a savage and despotic government which brutally represses its citizens, ethnic minorities, women, gays, and everyone who does not embrace submission and conformity. Secondly, anyone paying close attention to Iran during the past few years would note that we are already at war with Iran through its proxy factions. As far as being good at Asymetrical warfare, where do you imagine they have practiced those skills if not in Iraq? But I wouldn't worry too much, because we know a thing or two about warfare, too.

Think of it this way: Consider your lunatic suspicion of Bush and all the crimes your imagination would attribute to him or will attribute to the next Republican president--these would certainly pail in comparison to the real evils Iran perpetrates on its own citizens and would inflict on its neighbors from under a nuclear umbrella. So if you love peace, prepare for war.


Marcel Kuemmet said...

Although I disagree with you on my take on the Bush Administration, your comment was very well said, and you make several valid points.
Yes, as a young Ranger, I learned a thing or two about Asymmetrical warfare, although we didn't call it that in those days.
Thank you for your comment!