Monday, December 12, 2011

Back in Wisconsin, DC Story in the Works

Now that I am back in Wisconsin, initially unsuccessful in getting out to California, I am working on a nice big accDSCN0134_20111210_004compressedounting of the adventures in Washington DC.  I got myself one of those little netbooks and have been trying to get it configured and set up to blog from.  As I don’t have an internetDSCN0032 (2)_20111208_001compressed connection at my location it has been sort of a struggle since our return from Washington DC on Friday.   

We immediately headed to the Steelworkers protest on  Saturday in Manitowoc.  It was an amazingly huge crowd.  I will be spending the next few day s getting setup to work on the net book and work on my story.  I will try to provide a chronological accounting of the events and key happenings of those 5 days and nights.

Look to my full story in a few days.

You can help me out hey ,,, It takes a lot of time and effort to deliver you independent news and video.  The time I can offer, but the costs of providing corporate influence free news and outlooks take time and money.  You can help Wisconsin Confidential, and Green Bay Confidential by making a small donation to help pay for the gear, bandwidth, and gas we use to do these reports.  Please, if you like you can Donate here.  If you do not have a PayPal  account, go to the lower left hand section of the donation page.

Marcel Kuemmet capturing the Occupy Washington DC and Take Back the Capitol March December 2011

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