Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Citizens of Wisconsin Protest the Ryan 1% Budget Bill

Ribble protest May 9 12 top (18)The United States had been described as a low wage nation. With a minimum wage that has seen no increase in value since 1968, the purchasing power of the American people has steadily declined for the last 49 years of class warfare byRibble protest May 9 12  (8)_153Ribble protest May 9 12  (8)for online use the 1% on the 99%. Today, the richest Americans and Corporations enjoy the lowest taxes in American History. Now there is a bill pending that will provide those same corporations and wealthy Americans even more tax breaks. Not surprisingly It pays for these tax cuts with massive cuts in services, benefits, and infrastructure expenditures, while claiming to be a fiscally responsible bill.  Seen my many as just another money grab by the corporations, the rich, and their bought and and paid for representatives in government, it will do nothing to decrease the budget deficit and will in fact most likely increase it.   The bill cuts by 33 billion from the most effective stimulus program the US Government funds to date, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Food Stamps.  A program that many would be surprised to learn that even Military families depend on in this time of continuous war for profit.  Cuts in other military benefits for veterans programs will also be on the menu to create a rich cash laden dissert for the 1% after already gorging on the American economy.
Other class warfare slashing cuts include reductions in employment and training programs by 72%, free school meals, Pell Grants, and transportation and infrastructure (a 28% cut). The Ryan 1% budget also Eliminates the Home Affordable Modification Program, which helps struggling homeowners modify Ribble protest May 9 12  (7)_154Ribble protest May 9 12  (7)for online usetheir mortgages and keep their homes after they were lied to by the banks ... who desire their property, as well as their cash. The Corporate Ryan GOP budget also cuts essential services to veterans and active duty military families like nutrition (many of the poorest active duty military families receive food stamps) and mental health services by 11 billion.
While today, having a lot of capitol equals having a lot of free speech, the people of Wisconsin are once again leading the way in the charge to take back the country from the 99% and re-establish the American Revolution.  A revolution that was of the people, for the people, and by the people .  Not the corporations or the the riches 1%.  Lead the by the group Wisconsin Jobs Now, these citizens once again took to the streets to assemble, and send the message that the 99% is on the march.  
Some may say that such activism is a waste of time and ineffective, but here in Wisconsin, such activism has already resulted in launching the recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.  Time will tell in just two weeks to see if the will of the people will be adhered to, or if a small minority of wealthy individuals (The Koch Brothers), corporate special interest groups (ALEC) and corporations will be able to dictate their will on the people of Wisconsin.
One must wonder, after events in Georgia this week where a local SWAT team raided a house simply to evict at gunpoint a family of 4 before they could restructure their mortgage for the house they lived for 18 years (it looked as if they were going to be successful, and the bank could not produce the paperwork) in order to get control of the property as fast as possible.  It really makes we wonder if corporate and their private military police will eventually just simply start hauling us away … maybe as “enemy combatants”, when they find out that they are not going to win this one.
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