One must wonder, after events in Georgia this week where a local SWAT team raided a house simply to evict at gunpoint a family of 4 before they could restructure their mortgage for the house they lived for 18 years (it looked as if they were going to be successful, and the bank could not produce the paperwork) in order to get control of the property as fast as possible. It really makes we wonder if corporate and their private military police will eventually just simply start hauling us away … maybe as “enemy combatants”, when they find out that they are not going to win this one.
In my own version of Roger Rangers Standing Order # 4, Our General Order # 1 is "Never Lie to the Public, Ya all can Lie all ya want to the Corporations and Government Men because they lie to us all the time, but never lie to a civilian, because there is a citizenry out there who depends on us for accurate information"!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Citizens of Wisconsin Protest the Ryan 1% Budget Bill
One must wonder, after events in Georgia this week where a local SWAT team raided a house simply to evict at gunpoint a family of 4 before they could restructure their mortgage for the house they lived for 18 years (it looked as if they were going to be successful, and the bank could not produce the paperwork) in order to get control of the property as fast as possible. It really makes we wonder if corporate and their private military police will eventually just simply start hauling us away … maybe as “enemy combatants”, when they find out that they are not going to win this one.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Occupy Wisconsin’s 1st General Assembly, and the Ryan 1% Budget
As the flags waved, the participants spoke, and the atmosphere grew, the diversity of the color in the wind was inspirational. Among the chants and marches, real planning was in the works and hard decisions were being made. Using for efficiency the approving hand waves, communication was often more than two way.
With representative participants from #Occupy Wall Street groups throughout Wisconsin, small differences were placed aside as solidarity was obvious for all to
see. In their first ever "Occupy Wisconsin" statewide general assembly, members of the 99% of all ages, ethnic groups, religions, and colors gathered here in Fond du Lac Wisconsin to meet, greet, plan, and march.
The #Occupy Wall Street movement had not died. If fact, here in Wisconsin, it is back in force and on the march in this Wisconsin city. Although not the only action or significant event on the Wisconsin Occupy agenda for today, this one included gaining consensus for specific issues, working strategies, and tactical preparations for future events and political actions.
As the Republican strategies for the lining of the pockets of the 1% are in the works in the form of the Ryan Budget, working and impoverished Americans (many only recently in the poor house) are once again being targeted in the Class War that has been waged on the 99% for the last 49 years. The Budget will offer generous tax cuts to the richest 1% of Americans and wealthy corporate political donors (who now already enjoy the lowest tax rates in modern American History) that they can take all the way to an overseas bank. The Ryan budget gives the rich and the corporate good ol boys a good ol boy slap on the back and pays for it with cuts of 810 billion in Medicaid over next decade, 33 billion taken
from the hungry ... taken from the most effective stimulus program the US Government sponsors, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Food Stamps. This, as well as cuts in employment and training programs by 72%, free school meals, Pell Grants, and transportation and infrastructure (a 28% cut). The Ryan 1% budget also Eliminates the Home Affordable Modification Program, which helps struggling homeowners modify their mortgages and keep their homes after they were lied to by the banks ... who desire their
property, as well as their cash. The Corporate Ryan GOP budget also cuts essential services to veterans and active duty military families like nutrition (many of the poorest active duty military families receive food stamps) and mental health services by 11 billion.
As a result, Wisconsin Senator Ribble's office in Appleton Wisconsin can expect a visit from the 99% and the group Wisconsin Jobs Now, at 1pm on Wednesday May 9th. Senator Ribble's office is about to be Occupied by Americans who actually care about Americans.
Among the issues on the future agenda for Occupy Wisconsin in the near future are a wide range of issues, though all fall under the umbrella of the Class War and the economic injustice we now face as everyday American life.
The highlighted local targeted issues were the recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Opposition to ALEC, a corporate political marketing/lobbying/law writing and government corruption sponsorship organization financed in large part by the Koch Brothers and that supports Gov. Walker, another attempt to create an historically massive and ecologically disastrous mine in northern Wisconsin, with almost all of the profits going outside not only Wisconsin, but to overseas tax havens, and the Wisconsin GOP's War on Women.
On the National side, the main focus was the two party system of the United States which seems to resemble two birds of a different color who, although they can't get along, seem to end up with the same result that always benefit the same 1%. Another issue, although it doesn't seem to have been a major problem at least hear in Wisconsin (and recently in Detroit, where some police openly showed support for the marchers of the GE Pay Your Fare Share action), is the lack of professional conduct of the police in some major American cities and the obvious misconduct of a militarized police repressing Americans engaged in a basic constitutional civil right. The right to assemble, meaning protest. In Wisconsin and Michigan as of late, that may be as a result of the fact that in these two states, where unions are under attack, those who carry guns and badges have now been allocated to the disposable
99% like the rest of us.
Another national issue was the reduction of non-violent prison populations (the 11/15 campaign) of the private for profit prisons who incarcerate those who have broken laws that protect the financial interests of the pharmaceuticals, oil interests and the 1% though laws based on fake science and flat out lies. Violent raids on and the deportation of illegal immigrants (who are illegally employed by and with the blessing of many of those same corporations), the attack on the American and World Food Supply and Organic Farming (Agents and police have conducted swat style raids on farms ... because they were selling whole milk) to decrease the availability of real food to drive up the price and profit margin, increase fake and sometimes poisonous ingredients in food, and maximize profits at the cost of our health. Frak Mining, in which we still don't know the true effects of because they won't tell us what chemicals they are blasting into our planet, other than obviously destroying our already shrinking water supplies and aquifers.
Another issue is the attempt by the GOP to destroy an educated American public (everybody knows that colleges just turn out commies and liberals who spout all that silly science and global warming nonsense, hell it's nice outside) by doubling tuition while cutting assistance.
The unified Occupy Wisconsin season will get kicked off like a Packer game with the June 6th "Keep it in the Street" day of action. It is guaranteed to be a day of events and actions the Koch Brothers and ALEC would surely like to prevent and/or stop all of us from attending.
I will be there
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
GE, Corporate Taxes and the American Revolution
As the rebels quietly infiltrated the dock area, tenders were unaware of the coming assault. Although the victims of the attack were mostly bags of tea, a few poor souls were tarred and feathered. The statement had been clear. Those who labor would not idly stand by while a few grew rich at their expense … and causing them to grow poorer. It was an action by a few that would set many free from economic oppression and taxation without representation.
The American Revolution was borne.
It was not that many years later, when foreign and domestic money interests pushed for a new private central bank in the new United States of America. The President at the time, Andrew Jackson, speaking to the American people, stated “Mischief springs from the power which the monied interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, and from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges…which are employed for their benefit.”. Another father of the American revolution, Thomas Jefferson stated "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
This while they produced nothing of genuine value to the economy.
REV 2.0, The American Revolution Continues.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Let's fast forward to say … now. The General Electric Corporation, the largest manufacturing firm in the United States, has become a national symbol for tax avoidance. This has been seen as a positive example in many business and lobby circles. In a recent report the New York
Times said that GE’s tax-avoidance “mixes fierce lobbying for tax breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its profits offshore.” The company’s annual report says it has low (no) taxes “primarily because of benefits from lower-taxed global operations, including the use of global funding structures.” “GE’s Strategies Let It Avoid Taxes Altogether,” (March 24, 2011). The same article stated, “GE claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.”
On a local level, in the State of Wisconsin, in the years m 2003 through 2008, the General Electric Corporation paid $0 of Wisconsin corporate income tax, despite the firm’s $109 billion in profits during the period.
The the video to the left, the highlights of the march and a short look at the War on Woman meeting at the Green Bay Labor Temple the following Saturday. As one will see, the rest of the story is in the video.