While American workers are suffering from ever increasingly low wages, the elimination of living wage job's throughout the country and an ever increasing cost of living, there are those
who have it much easier. One such example is the
General Electric Corporation. While the General Electric Corporation has received over 4 million in tax payer subsidies, they have paid little or no taxes on the profits they have made, greatly enriching the CEO, top corporate management as well as benefiting their investors. The disparity in income between those who labor and create, and those who benefit and profit from the labor and creations of the working person, has s
steadily grown over the last 40 years. This is one of the main themes and the primary source of the consternation of the #Occupy Wall Street movement, or the 99%, as well as many other social justice based groups throughout the nation.
Under the leadership of the Wisconsin based group Wisconsin Jobs Now, a group of Wisconsin citizens gathered for protest in Milwaukee today to express their unhappiness with the fact the GE paid next to noting in taxes, while at the same time receiving corporate subsidies at the expense of taxpayers. All this while closing plants and operations in Wisconsin and around the United States. Members of the 99% percent from several locations throughout Wisconsin as well a significant group from the greater Milwaukee area converged on the Wisconsin headquarters of the General Electric Corporation in Milwaukee this Tuesday.
Throughout the nation, there are protests against corporate greed, the grip that corporations and special interests have on our government and legislators, corporate and special interest lobbying from K Street (home of the largest and most influential lobbyists in the nation) in Washington DC, and the general taxation without representation that the general American public is experiencing in the era of big money government. Just how effective
these movements, protests, and organizations can be remains to be seen. The #Occupy Wall Street movement, born in general from the Wall Street TARP bailouts at the expense of the American Taxpayer, has been a driving force in bringing to the nations attention the great economic disparity the American people now experience. According to most experts, the largest economic disparity between the rich and the poor ever in the History of the United States.
On the eve of the Presidents State of the Union address, as well as the State of the State address by the highly controversial Wisconsin Governor Scott (Scooter) Walker, many are unhappy. In today's low wage job market, there are many citizens who while living in poverty for the first time in their lives, have low expectations from their elected representatives. That should not be too surprising, considering the amount of money and cash being infused into political campaigns thanks to the recent Citizens United decision that basically legally classified money and cash the equivalent to free speech. When (now) the amount of free speech one has is measured by how much cash one has, or how much money one can donate to a political campaign, the American Revolution has been defeated by those who crave power and
money, just as before when we were ruled by the crown.
There are several more protests and events planned for this week throughout the nation and state. I will be attending these events here in Wisconsin and will do my best to report in the most expeditious manner I can.
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Much of this information and the associated claims are inaccurate. The fact is GE did pay U.S. federal income tax for 2010.
The main reason why GE’s tax rate was so low in 2010 was that we lost billions of dollars in our GE Capital business as a result of the global financial crisis. GE’s tax rate will be much higher in 2011 as the GE Capital business recovers. In 2010, GE paid a combined $1 billion in federal, state and local taxes in the U.S. For more information please see the link included. Thank you.
I would like to check it out by I see no link?
And thank you for your comment.
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