Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Vary Controversial UFO Video

Although this isn't really Wisconsin News, I got involved, so I guess it is.

Below in italics was my original response.  But when I analyzed the video, now I am not so sure. 
I took the video with "Keep It", then opened in Premiere.  In Premiere I used the color adjustment and several other features to get a better look at the video.  I was trying to find other reflection. in what I thought was a window.  But window reflections do not move or appear behind clouds.
I cannot explain this, and it gave me goose bumps when I saw this.
My original comment on Youtube; "Swamp gas being driven by Venus ... window reflection.
Looks cool though"

Here is the original video.

Here is my analysis version.  With the changes in Color Spectrum I attempted to catch more "reflections" and prove my theory that it was a reflection.  I failed.

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