Editors Note; It appears that an extreme attempt to block this story was made yesterday. Nothing here that should worry them, so I am a bit stumped. I had a suspiciously hard time getting this video to upload. I was told that the DNS switched at the very end of each of 3 upload attempts. After changing the title and description to one that complemented the right, the upload was allowed. I simply changed the title back after uploading. I has to make one wonder if conservative forces are watching the internet trying to block anything they don’t like …
This may support many of the accusations being made by the right of Voter fraud and intimidation, just as usual with this crowd, the accusers are in fact the perpetrators. When so much money is at stake, especially for those are have grown used to having it all, it should be no surprise those who stand the most to loose (a drop in the percentage of profit margin) will resort to having there way by what ever means necessary.